The Rewarded Seeker!

One of our dearest friends passed away the other day. We wanted to go. We wanted to be with his family who are more like family than friends. It would take two days to travel from our home to theirs.

Other complications had to be overcome. We had reservations in a town close to our son in college in order to spend time with him since he will be leaving soon to travel with a summer ministry. We checked flights from our home, from places close to where we were to be. We checked other possibilities hoping we left no “stone unturned.”

Detective2Huge questions loomed before us. A lot of them. Do we go? Do we continue with our plans? Do we change our plans and attempt to rearrange our schedule? How could we both go? What would the two of our children traveling with us do during those two days we’d be gone? So many questions! We yearned to go and yet we knew the obstacles that had to be overcome before that could happen.

Tickets to fly out from a near by airport were better than from home but funds were lacking. None of us had access to those funds. God would have to lead.

Feeling like my heart was on a yo yo string I went to the Lord in my regular quiet time. Seeking to know His heart and find His answers, I read the next chapter in my progression through the Scriptures.

There it was…the answer! “…he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

A rewarder of them that diligently seek him!”

I was diligently seeking Him in this dilemma! God promised that He would reward that seeking. God WOULD show us what direction to take. I could rest in knowing that whatever God worked out it was His “reward.” His will. He knew what was best for all involved.

Driving down the road, doing the last thing God had clearly given direction to do, the phone rang. One of our daughters, still at home, had been given part of the funds for the tickets. Our hearts soared. God was rewarding our seeking.

More calls. More answers. Waiting.

The outcome? Only my husband was able to go. Ticket prices changed from one day to the next. Was I disappointed? Yes…and…no.

It was God’s direction. That is always best. This answer met the needs of all involved. My heart is at rest because He did reward our seeking hearts. He did give His answer!

God will do the same for you when you “diligently seek him.”

Come Visit Us


11642 Riverview Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63138

Service Times:
Sunday school: 9:30 am
Morning Service 10:30 am
Afternoon Service 12:30 pm

Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm
